Metatron here, with very good news:
The 2. album is nearly finished.
The Title will be "At The End Of Your World" and it will tell the story of our cartoony characters after they've left the bloodshore to search a new place they finally can call "home".
So stay tuned!
But that's not all!
After a week of war, doom and terror, Anna finally caught the food thief! It turned out, that it was a girl called Heather. More precisely the Heather, they had written a song of. The mighty amazon-catgirl, Ian told them about, had found her way to the bloodshore. Anna and Heather had dissensions, but after a few days, and the help of Gally, they managed it to get along.
Despite their problems at the beginning I am now happy to announce that Heather, not only made peace with the Tears, but also joined them, after Anna invited her!
Her temper and skill on the drums will be very helpful for the second album.
The only bad thing about her arrival is, that she has no memory of how she got here. She's able to remember her past (and Ian) but she has trouble remembering something specific about the last weeks.
To describe her a bit: She is usually shy, but also very cheeky and aggressive at times. Her Eyes are big, her skin white, the ears sharp and the tail fluffy. She has no hands but paws, with sharp claws and her mouth is stitched together... Anna tried to cut the strings, but everytime she does, a few minutes later, they are back again...
And since there is no space and no reason for this song to be on the second album:
Take it, maybe you even like it. =)
Metatron over.
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