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What's the third album about?
Born from a wish is an Album in 2 parts. Part one is regular "Tears Of A Child"-Plot.
To be precise, the first part is the finale of the story of Annarchy and her kids.
Their journey will finally come to an end and hopefully with an ending, everyone can be happy with.
The second part of the album is a tribute to all those great works of art that inspired me to do this, or rather "to do anything at all".
There where way too many to do them all. But I can promise that there will be some more after this album.
What does the title of the third album mean?
Born From A Wish was the name of the "expansion" of Silent Hill 2.
Silent Hill was one of the biggest influences in my work and my thinking. This album started out as a tribute project to the Silent Hill Lore, but as soon as I realised that I can do everything I want with my Tears, the idea of creating a second project aside the "Tears Of A Child" became obsolete. The thought of a tribute album was an thought I really liked. So the whole third album was literally born from a wish to say "thank you" to all this franchises and works that inspired me and kept me alive.
The title fits also very well with the last part of the "Tears Of A Child"-Story. I won't spoiler it now, so please read the cascade of words underneath.
Why do they call themself "Tears"?
The name origins from Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov"
...and so I renounce the higher harmony altogether. It’s not worth the tears of that one tortured child who beat itself on the breast with its little fist and prayed in its stinking outhouse, with its unexpiated tears to ‘dear, kind God’! It’s not worth it, because those tears are unatoned for.
...and so I renounce the higher harmony altogether. It’s not worth the tears of that one tortured child who beat itself on the breast with its little fist and prayed in its stinking outhouse, with its unexpiated tears to ‘dear, kind God’! It’s not worth it, because those tears are unatoned for.
But it's also some kind of wordplay:
Since I (The guy behind this) has problems in living out his emotions (except in having really bad nervous breakdowns xD), the things I do have to serve as some kind of psychic-therapy. So I decided to call my band "Tears".
The tears of a really childlike person.
The Tears Of A Child.
Also: There is nothing more emotional than the tears of a child,
wether they origin from crying or laughing.
What does the cover show?
The Cover shows the demon-tear-eye-logo of the Tears. Anna designed it with Rabbit long, long time ago, as some kind of logo for their togetherness. In the time the two were the only ones left in the supermarketkomplex they were trying to survive the aftermath in. They found the power to do a parody of the evil they were facing each day, this parody is the logo. The kinship with rabbit gave Anna finally the power to destroy this evil that was threatening their world. Sadly, Rabbit didn't survive this fight. Anna finally left the komplex and her dead friends behind to search the destroyed world for other survivers and after months of search she finally found Gally and Ian, with them she started the whole Tears-thing. The colorstorm in the blackness should symbolize the "home", "life" and "sanctuary" they are searching for. It should also stand for change. Many of the colors in the coverart didn't appear in the twisted world they are living in, till now...
The Story / Track By Track
Tribute Part:
1. Bramble Blast (Donkey Kong Country 2)
2. Mortal Kombat (Mortal Kombat)
3. Mononoke (Mononoke)
4. 7 Years (Silent Hill)
5. Where Ash Fell Like Rain (Silent Hill)
6. Born From A Wish (Silent Hill)
7. Cara Mia (Portal)
8. Shatter The Sky (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
9. Pokémon (Pokemon)
10. Skull Kid - Intro (The Legend Of Zelda)
11. Skull Kid (The Legend Of Zelda)
12. The Children Of Hinamizawa (Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni)
13. Never Stop Dreaming (Pen And Paper)
14. Komm Süßer Tod (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
15. Geheimer Song
Plot Part:
A few weeks passed since Anna had declared war to longing Island.
Since then, nothing really interesting happend.
The kids lived in the Asyl-Researchcomplex, the one, they've found Jesse in.
Everything went fine, but Anna had a bad feeling, she was expecting something.
One afternoon, the Tears wandered around the Island as a thick Fog began to sorround them. They get seperated and Anna knew, that this was planned. It was the same garbage the island pulled of with her, it was this goddamned labyrinth where it confronted her with her past...
Anna screamed the names of her Kids, but they were gone.
Anna screamed the names of her Kids, but they were gone.
Jesse tried hard not to burst out into tears. Everyone was gone, only she remained.
"Where is everyone?!" She asked herself.
Jesse set down, she looked at her small hands and rub her eyes.
"Ohhh Jess, all alone out in the misty depths of this forsaken Island."
Jesse got scared, she new this voice... But it couldn't be possible.
Very slow she turned her head arround.
...Her body ached.
It was him.
It was him.
The Jester.
He stood there, with his red hair, the burned face hidden under the white porcelain mask and his breathing mask with the tube that leads direct into his chest. He held a bonesaw in his hand while he was wildly gesticulate towards Jesse.
"You were a bad, bad girl... You knew I would survive your foolish trickery to come back and take whats mine... Your perfectly built but awfully ugly body... You know it's mine... SO GIVE IT TO ME!"
Jesse ran for her life, again. Memories returned to her blackened mind. She remembered the day she got into the tank. She killed the Jester and was awfully wounded in this fight. Then with the last strenght her body was able to mobilize, she crawled into the tank to regenerate her body.
She thought the nightmare she lived in was finally over, but somehow he survived and now he was going to kill her!
She thought the nightmare she lived in was finally over, but somehow he survived and now he was going to kill her!
She was in panic as she ran aimlessly through the fog.
It didn't take long till she surrendered, she didn't want to run away anymore, it should just end...
What could she do, so weak and alone as she was?
It didn't take long till she surrendered, she didn't want to run away anymore, it should just end...
What could she do, so weak and alone as she was?
"Finally... You seem to realize how foolish your trys to escape me are."
He was a few steps away, and readied his saw, while he began to laugh manically.
Jesse didn't knew what to do, the desperation took control of her and she began to cry.
As soon as the first tear hit the ground Ham broke through the wall of mist. With his synthesized and distorted voice he shouted something that sounded like:
He took the Jester on the neck, lifted him up and started to strangle him.
He rattled: "What are you doing? Don't you remember?! It's me Ham...
Your Dad!"
Your Dad!"
Ham answered: "I have no Dad."
"No Ham, no... Don't you, she... I...!"
"I am a clone and clones don't have Dads!"
"No Ham, no... Don't you, she... I...!"
"I am a clone and clones don't have Dads!"
With this words Hams grip killed the Jester.
"Everyone was gone... It's the Island. That thing Anna was talking about..." Gally thought.
She clenched one of her fists. The pulsating energy in the palm of her hand felt ready to destroy the abberations the Island was going to throw against her.
"I am ready, so bring it on demon!" She shouted into the mist.
A figure tumbled out of the mist.
Gally got ready to strike, but as soon as she realized who this was, she hesitated.
Memories came back to her as she recognized her mother.
"Elizabeth? Is that you? Oh my god! It is you! Henry, over here!!! I've found her!"
A second figure arrived at the scene... It was Gallys father, Henry.
"Eli my dear, oh god, thank you!"
Both came near her, trying to hug her.
Gally made a step back.
"You, you are both dead..." She hesitated again.
"I killed you!" Her voice became broken.
"No, no my dear... You didn't do that, it was just one of your bad dreams."
"You ran away, after doctor Goodman came. And now we find you here, in the middle of nowhere, in the swamp. Look at you, ruining your beautiful dress."
Gally looked down and realized that she was wearing that ugly dress again. Where were her gloves? Where were the long sleeved shirt, on which she removed one sleeve to feel this funny feeling, she gets everytime one of her arms has to freeze while the other has it warm?
Gally looked down and realized that she was wearing that ugly dress again. Where were her gloves? Where were the long sleeved shirt, on which she removed one sleeve to feel this funny feeling, she gets everytime one of her arms has to freeze while the other has it warm?
"I... I, whats going on here...?..." Gally was unable to coap.
"We take you home. Doctor Goodman is waiting for you honey, he will make you healthy again, turn you back in the little princess you were long ago, the monster-Elizabeth we see today will be gone tomorrow, promised."
"I... am no monster."
"What do you say Darling? Of course you are not a monster, we are talking about that thing inside of you, how do you call it? Pazuzu? Pazuzu will be gone tomorrow."
"He isn't the monster either."
"Oh Henry, It think she has fever again, she is speaking things."
"Yes my dear, whe should bring her back home now."
"You... Are the sluging monsters..."
Then she releases the energy she gathered in her fist for so long and destroys the Shadows of her past with only one blow.
"Damnit! Where's Ian..." Heather thought while she wandered arround this thick mist.
"...What's going on here?..."
There was movement in front of her, it had to be Ian, she ran towards the shadow.
"Heather, are you home?!"
She stopped...
Memories returned, she had totally forgotten about him, about everything he had done to her, or did she block it out on purpose?
Now she realized the real reason she was playing "Shadows Of Uskaja" so excessevly, why Ian was so special to her and why she now has this body.
"Heather?!" He came into her direction.
"I know you are there. Open the door!"
Heather sits on the floor and panics.
Suddenly she reminds something Anna told her, not long ago.
"Don't forget fierce Catgirl: We are what we are, what we were and what will happen to us. Everything that happened to us, if it was good or bad, it had an impact and made us to what we are today. Maybe you got scars, maybe they are as deep as the Mariana Trench, but hey, it made you also stronger... And it also made you to that awesome person you are today.
Don't suffer when you look at your life, be proud of it and wear your scars with a smile.
This is you Heather and "this you" is definitly a woman everyone can be proud of."
"Don't forget fierce Catgirl: We are what we are, what we were and what will happen to us. Everything that happened to us, if it was good or bad, it had an impact and made us to what we are today. Maybe you got scars, maybe they are as deep as the Mariana Trench, but hey, it made you also stronger... And it also made you to that awesome person you are today.
Don't suffer when you look at your life, be proud of it and wear your scars with a smile.
This is you Heather and "this you" is definitly a woman everyone can be proud of."
Heather stood up, she bit unto her lip and let the claws out.
"Ah here you are sweetheart."
"I am not your sweetheart."
"What did you say? I can't hear you! TALK TO ME IN A TONE, I CAN UNDERSTAND!"
Heathers father appalled.
Blood was tripping down heathers lips, the yarn of her sewn together mouth ripped into her lips.
"You are weak. Hitting a woman and her daughter only to get this little rush of power! Drinking until you get uncuncious... Having sex with prostitutes only because you are not grown up enough to work out the relationship with my mother, a person two thousand times better than you! You are garbage, you are even worse. Touching your own daughter, pushing her over the edge. Destroying her selfconfidence one by one and driving her into suicide..."
But this time, I am not running away.
I am not hiding in a virtual reality, and I am not seeking help in others!
But this time, I am not running away.
I am not hiding in a virtual reality, and I am not seeking help in others!
"You gave me these..." Heather lifts up her claws.
"No, no, you can't! You!"
"And I won't use them."
"I am not you, I am nothing like you, and I despise you, but nevertheless I guess I have to thank you for the insights I got. Violence and revenge is no solution. I won't fed the spiral... Cause I am strong enough to resist. Not like you."
While Heather talks the phantom disentigrates slowly.
After running arround a while he hears something he hasn't heard for a very long time.
"Is it?... It has to be!"
He turns arround and there she was. The little girl with her walkman and headscarf, whipping arround.
"Your new outfit is kinda cool, dig the scarf, but the nose is still kinda stupid" She nods toward Alex.
He falls to the ground, his eyes not looking at her.
"You should be dead..."
"Hey, don't mess with the partner of Paliaci, huh?" She comes near him an punches Alex into the shoulder.
Alex shakes his head and takes the storyboard of their comic out of his breastpocket.
"So...Who wins? Humanimal or Pixie?"
Cat examines the comicbook.
Alex smiles while he looks to the ground.
"The comic isn't finished because there is more to come..."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"None of them wins the fight, they team up against I.s.Star because they realize that they are merely the same person."
Cat stays still, her eyes widen, her words left.
"........That's... that's ingenious Alex!"
He starts to cry.
"I wanted to tell you about it for so long...
In that moment the comic book fell to the floor. The phantom of Catherine was gone. Alex cried heavily, as the mist disappeared. Somehow the Tears were right around eachother. Anna ran to Alex to give him solace.
"Everything okay?!"
Yeah, just a phantom of the past.
The Tears return back home, everyones pretty exhausted and Anna decides to take the watch.
This wasn't over yet.
The Island hasn't got what it wanted and so the kids were still in danger.
This wasn't over yet.
The Island hasn't got what it wanted and so the kids were still in danger.
Anna was sitting outside, watching over the island. She was happy that everyone was fine, after that attack in the morning. She asked herself if the Island was coming to her again...
"What are you looking at Sweets?"
Anna rose around, her Baseballbat ready to strike.
"What do you want!"
Rabbit leaning against the wall stated.
"I just want to talk with you."
"And why are you wearing my Ex-Girlfriend as outfit to this date?!"
Annas left eye twitched.
Rabbit didn't respond on that.
"Your Family is doing pretty good in our little game..."
"Again, what do you want..."
"Listen to me Laura... As long as you are on this Island, I have to do this, there is no chance not to threaten your kind."
"And why are you telling me this?" Anna asked.
"I don't want to harm you."
"You don't want to harm us?! Why are you doing it anyway?! What's this all about?!"
"I cannot exist without wishes. I have to fed on anything that is given to me. If its a positive wish, or a negative, it is the same to me, I have to respond. And before you ask, memories and wishes are merely the same, only that "wishes" are quantumexisting possibilities of things. Memories that happend, where therefore one of many possibilities... You see, it's the same for me. The problem is, the negative ones are the more persisting."
"I cannot exist without wishes. I have to fed on anything that is given to me. If its a positive wish, or a negative, it is the same to me, I have to respond. And before you ask, memories and wishes are merely the same, only that "wishes" are quantumexisting possibilities of things. Memories that happend, where therefore one of many possibilities... You see, it's the same for me. The problem is, the negative ones are the more persisting."

Rabbit turns arround and looks irritated against Annarchy.
"What is your wish, longing Island?" Anna asks with a grin.
Rabbit shakes her head, no, you mustn't do that, it will kill you all!
But Anna stood silently there, forming the wish, Longing Island has to feed on.
"What is your wish? I wish to give you the chance to have a wish. Be free for one possibility."
Rabbit fell down, with a hellish scream the life left her body. She started to disintigrate. And while this happened, the whole Island started to change. The other Tears ran out of the building. Earthquakes, the vulcan erupted and the color faded of every flower and plant on longing Island.
The Island was dying.
But with the death of one, another being could be created.
An hour later, the tears find an unconscious boy on the shore of longing Island.
...Through the wish of this omnidimensional being, the Island was, a boy was born...
The last Tear.
End Of Days
A few hours later Longing awakes.
He is irritated and afraid of the Tears.
He is irritated and afraid of the Tears.
Anna tries to talk to him and calm him down, the others are sceptical about the strange person.
"So that's it? I am as you now?"
"Seems so, that was your wish?" Anna smiles calmly.
Longing didn't respond.
"Thanks for taking care of me, I am not used to being vulnerable."
"Seems so, that was your wish?" Anna smiles calmly.
Longing didn't respond.
"Thanks for taking care of me, I am not used to being vulnerable."
"No problem Whitey. Say... What exactly is happening with your Island?"
"It's not my Island... I was the Island. Without me, no Island."
"Good I got that, but, heck... What's happening with this world?! First the desert, then the bloodshore, now this Island? Everything is going nuts!"
"You still don't know what is going on here?"
"What? Do you!?"
"I was one of the entitys that built this world, of course do I know whats "going on here.""
"Built this world?! What are you talking about? You mean the end of the "human empire-world"?"
"No, I mean the beginning of yours."
"I don't get a single sluging word of your talking, Whitey. Start with the beginning."
"You do know an entity, you think it is called Xerxas."
"Yeah I've killed him 1 year ago."
"You can't kill him."
"You mean he is alive?!"
"Of course. After you killed "Xerxas" I got the chance to settle in this world. I built Longing Island to continue the work Xerxas has done."
"And what did he do?"
"He built a world that was born from a wish, his wish. The wish to never live in fear again.
We, your kind used to call us "demons", are just existing because of the emotions you Humans have. If we don't find enough of these energy we cease to exist. So he tried to ensure that he will never have to be afraid of ceasing. He built this little world to torture you and your friends into eternity, to absorb the negative emotions coming from you. That's the reason why there are just a few Humans around here"
"You say..."
"Yeah, your world isn't real, Annarchy."
"That cannot be true! It's... that's...it's explaining everything."
"But it's much more complex then you think. You humans have so low understanding of how the omniverse works, it's a pity."
"What do you wanna say?"
"This world is as real as every other world. We are all existing thoughts in a greater system."
"I don't understand."
"Of course you don't... You think you are the one this story is about, don't you?"
"Get to the point!"
"You... Are nothing... Nothing but a thought in the brain of another person, Annarchy.
The "God" of this world, he is the one deciding what will happen to you and your friends, what will happen to me, to everyone in this world."
"Why do you know all that?"
"Because he wants me to."
"That's sick, it can't be true!"
"Denial, thats the first thing you humans do... so predictable, I haven't thought you would be so predictable Annarchy."
"Okay, okay, let me get this straight. You tell me, that I am, that Gally, Ham, Heather and the others are all thoughts existing in the brain of one "god" character who has invented this universe of thoughts?"
"That means, everything he thinks of will become reality for us?"
Anna grabs his bat, and stands up.
"What do you wanna do Annarchy?"
"She wants to go to this Godguy!" Gally shouts from behind.
"She wants to go to this Godguy!" Gally shouts from behind.
"Exactly." Anna responds.
As Anna leaves the room with the other Tears, Longing is surprised. He had never even thought about that... This human is fascinating, he now understands why his bodyless form wished to be with her.
While Anna prepares for her next journey, she talks to Longing who walks besides her.
"What you want to do is just not possible"
"Don't tell me whats impossible "whiteskindudewithspiralsonchest", I will find a way to safe my friends, I will find a way to bring Rabbit back and I know I can do it, nothing will stop me. Not even you."
Until now everything was just a huge mess, now you show up and tell me how the ""omniverse works"", what have you thought am I going to do?! I have a chance to change everything and I will grab it."
"What are you doing A.? Packing up? Should we start too?"
Gally was hanging upside down from the ceiling, watching her carrying stuff around.
"I have to tell you something, please gather everyone in the conference Hall."
"Got it"
Gally changes direction and crawls out of the garage to gather the whole crew.
A few minutes later in the conference Hall:
"And that's why I will leave you."
"That's stupid!" Heather throws in, her mouth finally opened, the yarn didn't appear again, after she cutted it off the last time.
"You really shouldn't do that." Says Ian, who got much more lively, after his encounter with Stanley.
"We will find another place to live! Don't leave!" Gally shouted.
"You don't understand... This Island is dying and every other place is under the control of Xerxas, we can't live in peace without a huge change. A revolution, a new beginning."
"Wait, wait... does that mean I am just a thought too?!!" Metatron was calling over the prd. Ham carried it - the radiotronik device streamed through his amplifiers.
"Sorry Met!" Anna stated.
Jesse grabbed Annas foot and asked anxious.
"But will you come again?"
"But will you come again?"
"Sure, as soon as I'll have changed the world, I will return to you and we will live peacefully together ever after." Anna smiled and tousled Jesses hair.
Longing wanted to say something, but he knew that it won't help the situation.
On the day of the departure Anna set outside the base, the same place she talked with Rabbit; no Longing. Everything she ever experienced was just a sick thought inside someones brain. She couldn't really believe it. In retrospective she thought about all this emotions, all the tears she cried. Does this knowledge make the experiences less important?
Why is someone doing such cruel and sick things to us? Only because we are thoughts to him?
What is everything around us? Why is everything happening like it is? Why do we want to answer this question, when we know the answer could be hurtful?.
Oracle, you hadn't forseen that, had you? And Spider, you would be really pissed if you had known that everything we experienced was just a thought of another guy. She remembers the days she was trying to survive with the kids of the aftermath.
She sighs.
Even though it explains all, nothing got easier.
Even though it explains all, nothing got easier.
"Do you really think it's a good Idea?" Alex took Anna out of her memories.
He took a seat aside from her and looks down the dying Island.
"Do you really think any Idea this head had in the past few years was a good Idea?"
"Yes I do. You are a great person Annarchy and you helped all of your friends more than we could ever pay back."
Anna smiles, but looks away.
"I am sorry Alex."
"That nothing of the things will happen, that could have happened with us."
"What do you mean?" He looks to her and she kisses him suprisingly but kindly on the lips.
"I am really sorry" Annas voice sounds broken.
Alex whispers soft. "Are you crying?"
"I am afraid." She cuddles him.
He lays his arms arround her.
"You don't have to do that for us, we will survive, somehow."
"... You Guys don't know what you are up against.
I do and I don't want you to get into danger.
I just love you too much"
"We love you too."
Silence again.
"So this is the last day, we have with you for a long time?
I say, let it be a great one! So, what should we do, Leader?"
Anna looks up to him and grins.
Anna looks up to him and grins.
An hour later, everything is ready. Anna had written this song for Alex, she wanted to finally say Goodbye to Rabbit, to open up for new adventures. She knew Rabbit would be proud and happy with that. It's ironic that it's the goodbye for Annarchy now. She will leave the Tears with Longing to sail across the seas, to reach somehow the god of this world. No one, even longing didn't knew if that was even possible at all.
"I am leaving the tears, this is the last song we will do together. Let it be a great one! To new, better frontiers!"
This song should be a retrospective to everything Anna has done and experienced with the Tears. It should inhabit every feeling the Tears gave her, it should be the best song of them.
6:21 should symbolize the very last goodbye.
They are standing on the beach of longing Island, ready leave with a boat they've built.
Anna and Longing are ready to go. Everyone of the tears says goodbye to Anna, and finally...
Alex kisses her in front of everyone.
At The End Of My Imagination
After weeks of traveling the sea, Longing and Anna are finally somewhere in the subconciousness of the "god".
It looks very freaky and strange. Watertornados, spores, extreme winds, everything looks a bit organic. Soon the ship wont swim through the ground, that became hard with the time. Longing tells Anna to stay with him, cause every small thought of the god can manifest here. It's a very dangerous place, but it could be the only way to get into his real consciousness, the end of their journy.
It looks very freaky and strange. Watertornados, spores, extreme winds, everything looks a bit organic. Soon the ship wont swim through the ground, that became hard with the time. Longing tells Anna to stay with him, cause every small thought of the god can manifest here. It's a very dangerous place, but it could be the only way to get into his real consciousness, the end of their journy.
The further they come, the harsher the weather gets, it's dark and the ambience is dangerous.
On the horizon they see a building, a metal-clockwork-citadel shaped thing.
"I think that's it... Do you see that tower that's piercing the heavens? We have to get there."
"Then let's do it."
On the horizon they see a building, a metal-clockwork-citadel shaped thing.
"I think that's it... Do you see that tower that's piercing the heavens? We have to get there."
"Then let's do it."
As soon as they arrive at the citadel some of the twisted thoughts of the God manifest and attack them both. They are pretty dangerous crazy looking creatures, with a long toung, lizard like features, but with completely black skin. Anna tries to fight them, but they are too strong, too dangerous.
"Ann run! They are too strong, you can't kill them!"
They run into the citadel, with the monsters on their track.
The inside of the citadel is very beautiful, great colors everywhere, everything looks pretty nice. Only the dead, ugly world outside seems depressing now.
It get's quiet.
They arrive in the chapel.
"What's this?" Anna whispers.
"I don't know, I seriously don't know... Maybe the god is locking up everything beautiful his mind has to offer." Longing seems nervous too.
"It's some kind of metaphor for his life, isn't it?!"
"Sure, this part of the world feds on his life, it's his subconscious after all."
"Do you think the monsters can exist in here?"
"We shouldn't risk anything."
"Yeah, good Idea."
They move silently across the room in search for the tower entrance.
"It has to be this one." Longing states.
"Allrighty, then... Let's go?"
"Are you sure you wanna do that?"
"It's far too late to do a draw back, isn't it?"
"Of course it is..."
"Thanks for everything Longing." Anna grabs him on his shoulder, he looks down.
"Do you wanna know my wish?"
Longing asks whispering.
"Of course not! You are not allowed to tell me your wish just now, you will tell me and the others when we are back."
In that moment the monsters crush through the chapel windows.
"Run Anna!" Longing hustles Anna towards the tower entry.
"What's with you?!"
"I'll give you the time you need for changing this world, don't let me have a point!"
"Never!" Anna turns arround and runs.
It get's quiet.
They arrive in the chapel.
"What's this?" Anna whispers.
"I don't know, I seriously don't know... Maybe the god is locking up everything beautiful his mind has to offer." Longing seems nervous too.
"It's some kind of metaphor for his life, isn't it?!"
"Sure, this part of the world feds on his life, it's his subconscious after all."
"Do you think the monsters can exist in here?"
"We shouldn't risk anything."
"Yeah, good Idea."
They move silently across the room in search for the tower entrance.
"It has to be this one." Longing states.
"Allrighty, then... Let's go?"
"Are you sure you wanna do that?"
"It's far too late to do a draw back, isn't it?"
"Of course it is..."

"Do you wanna know my wish?"
Longing asks whispering.
"Of course not! You are not allowed to tell me your wish just now, you will tell me and the others when we are back."
In that moment the monsters crush through the chapel windows.
"Run Anna!" Longing hustles Anna towards the tower entry.
"What's with you?!"
"I'll give you the time you need for changing this world, don't let me have a point!"
"Never!" Anna turns arround and runs.
...Go now! Safe your family, safe this world, give everything a second chance, make everything better, you are the only one who can do this...
While Longing fights these monsters his thoughts are merely dominated by a feeling of releef, he can do something for the person that mattered to him, he is happy, he had finally a purpose in life he determined himself. While he gets killed by the monsters of the subconsious, he grins pacific.
Anna, runs across the stairs. Endlessly...
The next time she looks up everythings black around her.
Enormous feelings of selfpity are comming to her mind.
The stair ends.
Arround here darkness.
Above her she can sense the ending, the finish... But how is she supposed to get up there? No stairs are leading there. There is no chance... She can't do that, she is just a thought... A.... She couldn't... fail now! She hast to do it, this is a subconscious, isn't it! Than feel this thoughts, feel this feelings!
With her irrepressible will she somehow manages to synchronise her subconsciousness with gods.
She screams and the darkness gets enlightend by the explosion of her thoughts.
Everythings shaking.
Out of her back spread giant colorfoul wings.
"Now I get the rules of this game" She grins malicious.
She jumps and flies with an irresistable speed towards the end.
Nothing can stop her now.
Absolutely nothing.
She will change everything.
The next time she looks up everythings black around her.
Enormous feelings of selfpity are comming to her mind.
The stair ends.
Arround here darkness.
Above her she can sense the ending, the finish... But how is she supposed to get up there? No stairs are leading there. There is no chance... She can't do that, she is just a thought... A.... She couldn't... fail now! She hast to do it, this is a subconscious, isn't it! Than feel this thoughts, feel this feelings!
With her irrepressible will she somehow manages to synchronise her subconsciousness with gods.
She screams and the darkness gets enlightend by the explosion of her thoughts.
Everythings shaking.
Out of her back spread giant colorfoul wings.
"Now I get the rules of this game" She grins malicious.
She jumps and flies with an irresistable speed towards the end.
Nothing can stop her now.
Absolutely nothing.
She will change everything.
She will save everyone.
Maybe she is just a thought...
But just one thought can change the world!
And with an explosion she shattered the fourth Wall.
Maybe she is just a thought...
But just one thought can change the world!
And with an explosion she shattered the fourth Wall.
"Where the slug am I?"
She looks up.
She realizes that she isn't herself anymore.
She realizes that she isn't herself anymore.
She runs to the mirror.
She sees a male face, washy hair, a colorful streak, black clothes and everything else, that could describe myself.
From now on, no one in the world of my thoughts had to suffer again.
The End